Latest News!

We have been very fortunate to receive funding from The Highland Council Community Regeneration Fund to help us regenerate the South Skye and Lochalsh Service.  We have employed Eloise Dey who lives in Lochalsh and has great plans to reach all the communities in the area, so look out on our social media pages for events near you.

The fund is also paying for a new shed at Am Fasgadh that we can use as a workshop to upcycle some of the furniture items that we receive so that we can sell them for funds.  Again, keep an eye on the socials for updates.

Finally the same fund is helping to pay for our weekend service so that we can continue to keep the drop-in centre open 365 days a year.

If you can, please donate below to our Just Giving Page.  Your donations will help us keep our doors open and keep supporting those with mental health difficulties in our community.